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    Fostering Human Resources for C-Zeroization in Asia countries

    Time:2022-10-19    Click:     Source:
    Project Description

    Mutual agreement, long close research and education collaboration of Nagoya University (Japan), Shanghai Jiao Tong University (China), Korea Marine and Ocean University (Korea), and Chulalongkorn University (Thailand) are essential origins for the realization of zero-emission of carbon dioxide and sustainable development goals (SDGs). This project aims to foster international human resources activities in the industry, government offices and academia to achieve C-Zeroization or the zero-emission of carbon dioxide in Asia countries. The program will provide multidisciplinary research programs, engineering and a cultural point of views such as society, economy, and law. The four core universities propose the five-year global soft infrastructure basic talent program, which includes short-term and long-term programs. Short-term education programs, such as summer camps and internships in laboratories will be implemented for approximately 80 undergraduate and graduate students per year. In comparison, long-term research programs will be implemented for 8 graduate students per year.

    In this program, a «C-Zeroization» research cluster based on the characteristics of the four universities is formed, and a co-advisory system from multiple universities guides students. Both programs will not only focus on materials in engineering. However, they will also provide a global cooperation platform for students to learn together and discuss decarbonization.

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