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    Nurturing of medical and public health research leaders to solve health problems in global societies

    Time:2022-10-10    Click:     Source:
    Project Description

    The global pandemic of COVID-19 made the world recognize that the cooperation of the global health society is critically important for solving a nation’s and worldwide health problems more than ever. In close relationship with new infectious diseases, global aging, with the increasing prevalence of non-communicable diseases (lifestyle-related diseases), dementia and other aged-related diseases, poses a major change in human health and health care system in many countries. It is crucial to establish the system and policy that can cope with global health problems, regardless of national and regional boundaries.

    Nurturing of global leaders in medical sciences and public health to solve global health problems due to communicable diseases such as COVID-19, and non-communicable diseases such as cardiovascular disease, dementia, and other age-related diseases through the CAMPUS Asia Project among Japan, Korea, China, and Thailand.

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