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    Human resource development to support legal and policy platforms for deepening “jus commune” in East Asia and disseminating it to ASEAN and the World

    Time:2022-09-29    Click:     Source:
    Project Description

    This project is an enhancement of the "jus commune in East Asia" project adopted in 2012 and continued in 2016. The universities of China, Japan, and Korea collaborated to produce a fair number of students who can see East Asia as a common ground beyond their national borders. The 2016 project generated a good working relationship among partner institutions as well.

    Singapore joins the current project. The project aims at producing a regional community of undergraduate and graduate students of China, Japan, Korea, and Singapore in law and political science. The program will materialize the learning environment where participants will understand legal and political systems in East Asia through a continuous exchange of views and ideas face-to-face and online. Law and political studies may touch on sensitive issues of nation-states. The participants will learn how to approach important issues to produce good mutual understanding and collaborate for improvements. Their efforts will contribute to the making of jus commune in East Asia.

    The project will run for five years and exchange 35 students from participating countries every year. The project forms part of the regular curriculum leading to an undergraduate or higher academic degree. The participants will weave a solid human network to promote the East Asian community through law and political studies.

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