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    Asia Intercollegiate Cooperative Project for Nurturing Global Leaders in Sustainable Infrastructure Development

    Time:2022-10-27    Click:     Source:
    Project Description:

    The objective of this project is nurturing leading engineers with the excellent academic/practical skills and global perspective, to contribute to sustainable development and maintenance of Asian infrastructure. It is also aimed to establish an educational system that will further expand to ASEAN countries. This is because promoting inter-university exchanges with quality assurance across Asia is a key element in realizing the philosophy of “ASIA for All” as a regional community of Asia, striving for high standards of education with international recognition despite differences between countries in their higher education system. The project is especially focused on nurturing highly skilled engineers and young scientists through master’s and doctoral courses where they can acquire professional expertise.

    The project consists of the following specific programs:

    1) Master’s Course Double Degree Program and Doctoral Course Double Degree Program among Japan, China and Korea,

    2) Hybrid Short-term Academic Exchange Program among Japan, China, Korea and ASEAN countries (three months), and

    3) ASEAN Exchange Program (three to six months).

    The goal of this project is to “exchange more than 35 students” in the final project year. The expected outcome is to establish an advanced and international higher educational network which will lead to nurturing the next generation of human resources. These global talents are expected to perform a leading role in the field of infrastructure construction and maintenance, not only for their home country but also for the sustainable development of infrastructure in Asia, based on the human network formed through the project.

    Participating schools:


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