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    Asian Animation Education Network: Establishment and Management

    Time:2022-09-28    Click:     Source:
    Project Description

    Selected in 2016 for CAMPUS Asia Mode 2, this program expanded its scope by launching tri-lateral student exchange opportunities and cutting-edge content production workshops available for students from all three institutions, including game, XR, AI, traditional art experiencing, acdemic forum and MOOC. Furthermore, agreements were made to facilitate dual-degree programs between Korea and China in 2019 and between Korea and Japan in 2021. In Mode 3, the three parties will continue to jointly develop educational projects maintaining Co-work at the core, while also extending their reach into new areas of Southeast Asia.

    By establishing the Asian Animation Education Network (AAEN), all of Asian territories including ASEAN can exchange academic information regarding animation and related fields and conduct research into methods to create enhanced education systems and curricula. International meetings and symposiums of AAEN will provide information needed to tailor academic courses for undergraduate and graduate level animation students in Asia and construct them employing the most efficient online and offline teaching methods. AAEN will aim to become a hub for the transnational exchange of talent in the content creation field and inter-country animation education while simultaneously pursuing means to preserve and output the rich art and culture of every region and ethnicity,which will contribute to the advancement and maturation of Asian culture.

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