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    International Collaborative Human Resources Development Program in Asia to Foster Inclusive Minds

    Time:2022-10-10    Click:     Source:
    Project Description

    To achieve the super-smart society and the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) practices are needed. Therefore, in this project, six Asian universities will jointly train advanced talent to practice D&I. We will use the strengths and characteristics of the participating universities to provide practical educational programs that will help students understand the diversity of society and sustainable development concepts, with a special focus on disabilities, language and area studies, peace, religion and minorities. We will also offer a hybrid international education program that combines online and on-campus education programs using Information and Communication Technology (ICT), and implement the following four exchange programs; COIL-type Collaborative Education Program for 1-2 months (P1), Short-term Study Abroad Program for 1-2 weeks (P2), Summer School titled “Inclusive Asia” for a week (P3), and Semester Exchange Program (P4). The project will include about 500 exchange students in total for 5 years. The expected outcomes are fostering mutual understanding of an inclusive society in Asia, building a foundation for development with diversity in the region, expansion of academic collaboration in Asia, and future development of the joint graduate program in the field of D&I.

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