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    Core talent cultivation program: Realization of common interests in East Asia and emphasis on traditional culture

    Time:2022-09-29    Click:     Source:
    Project Description

    In 2012, Jilin University, Okayama University in Japan, and Sungkyunkwan University in ROK jointly proposed the program “Key Talent Cultivation: Realization of Common Interests in East Asia and Emphasis on Traditional Culture”, which was successfully selected as one of the pilot programs of CAMPUS Asia. The program aims to promote mutual understanding between youths from China, Japan, and ROK, strengthen cooperation concerning cultural resources, and establish shared values. More than 500 students from the three countries have benefited from this program. The three universities provide students with classes on the countries’ current conditions and traditional cultures, and opportunities to participate in exchange activities. In 2016, with experiences garnered from the pilot program, this joint program involving Jilin University, Okayama University, and Sungkyunkwan University successfully entered its official implementation stage.

    The program provides various channels for cooperation, including professional academic exchanges, joint training of talents, and internship and social practice. Through the tripartite cooperation, the program aims to collaboratively cultivate Asian talents with global vision and specialized knowledge who excel at cross-cultural communication and aspire to promote regional stability and sustainable development. Nearly 700 students have received training during the implementation period of the program.

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