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TUTCM Faculty Members and Students Attend the 2022 “CAMPUS Asia” International Seminar

Time:2023-03-22    Click:     Source:

On August 16 and 17, the 2022 “CAMPUS Asia” International Seminar was held online. Faculty members, students, and management staff from universities in China, Japan, the Republic of Korea (ROK), and Thailand attended the Seminar, which was themed “Post-Pandemic Era and Big Data.”

On the seminar, Professor YUAN Weiling from the School of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TUTCM) delivered an academic report titled Research on the Thought of Adopting Measures with Time in Traditional Chinese Medicine Based on COVID-19. Focusing on the time and seasonal characteristics of the COVID-19 pandemic, Professor YUAN discussed the theoretical connotation of adopting measures with time in traditional Chinese medicine and its clinical application value. The Academic Affairs Office and the Graduate School of our university organized undergraduates and graduate students to attend the Seminar via a video link. Some student representatives participated in group discussions and gave speeches. Relevant leaders and project managers of our university’s School of International Education attended the seminar online and listened to the project’s latest progress and future planning.

At the end of 2021, the program for “Raising Research Leaders in Medical and Public Health,” jointly applied by our university and many famous universities in China, Japan, ROK, and Thailand was again selected for the “CAMPUS Asia” program by the Ministry of Education. The project aims to cultivate global leaders in medicine and public health and solve global health problems caused by infectious diseases such as COVID-19, dementia, and other age-related non-communicable diseases. Our university will continue to actively promote educational exchanges in the medical field with universities in China, Japan, ROK, and ASEAN countries by taking advantage of the “CAMPUS Asia” program, enhancing the friendship among students from different countries, and improving the quality of international talent cultivation.

Professor YUAN Weiling gives an academic report

Student representatives express their opinions in group discussions



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