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Event of CAMPUS Asia — Seven-University Joint Online Short Course Held by SHOU

Time:2023-03-22    Click:     Source:

The first CAMPUS Asia Online Exchange Program (OEP), an online short course sponsored by Shanghai Ocean University (SHOU), was held on March 17 and 18, 2022. Nearly a hundred teachers and students from seven top universities in Asia participated in the event moderated by Professor WANG Xichang. University representatives present at the meeting included Ikuo Hirono, Vice Dean of the Graduate School, Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology (TUMSAT), Japan; Cheol Huh, Vice Dean of the Graduate School, Korea Maritime and Ocean University (KMOU), the Republic of Korea (ROK); Navapon Techakriengkrai, Assistant Dean of International Affairs, Chulalongkorn University (CU), Thailand; Methee Kaewnern, International Program Committee Chairperson, Kasetsart University (KU), Thailand; Vigneshree King, Director of International Student Center, University of Malaya (UM), Malaysia; and Professor Ichsan Fauzi, IPB University, Indonesia.

Opening ceremony and program introduction

On the morning of March 17, SHOU Vice President LI Jiale delivered opening remarks to all the participants, expressing his wishes and expectations for CAMPUS Asia Mode 3, as well as his gratitude to the leaders, teachers and students from the participating universities for bearing the difficulties of taking part in online academic exchanges. WANG Xichang, Executive Dean of the Graduate School, introduced the changes and highlights in the new mode of CAMPUS Asia and joined representatives from the other six universities in sharing the features, academic background and campus atmosphere of each university.

Lecture by SHOU Professor FANG Jiasong

Lecture by SHOU Professor ZOU Jun

The two-day online short course focused on subjects of marine science and aquaculture. Nine professors from SHOU, TUMSAT, KMOU and KU delivered lively, informative, cutting-edge and in-depth lectures to attendees. SHOU Professors FANG Jiasong and ZOU Jun gave lectures on “Exploring the Hadal Zone, the Last Great Frontier of Ocean Science and Technology” and “Sustainable Aquaculture: Dealing with Fish Disease” respectively. Participants also attended lectures on “Sustainable Aquatic Feed for the Future” by TUMSAT Professor Yutaka Haga, “Application of Natural Tracers in Terrestrial and Marine Environments” by KMOU Professor Yonghwa Oh, “Climate Change Associated with Tropical Cyclone Activities” by KMOU Professor Hyeong-Seog Kim, “How Can We Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Use Clean Energy in Ocean?” by KMOU Professor Cheol Huh, “Sustainable Marine Transportation” by TUMSAT Professor Daisuke Watanabe, and “Introduction to Oceanography and Marine Environmental Studies” by KU Professor Tanuspong Pokavanich.

Closing remarks by SHOU Vice President JIANG Min

The course concluded as scheduled on the afternoon of March 18, with SHOU Vice President JIANG Min delivering closing remarks.

Group photo at closing ceremony

The “Collaborative Education Program in Marine Science and Technology, Based on ‘China-Japan-ROK Version of ERASMUS’ (OQEANOUS),” jointly declared by SHOU, TUMSAT and KMOU, was selected as a CAMPUS Asia program on October 31, 2016. Meanwhile, the “Training Program for International Innovative Skill-Oriented Professionals in Marine Sustainable Development Strategy,” jointly declared by SHOU, TUMSAT, KMOU, CU, KU, UM and IPB University, was again selected as a program in CAMPUS Asia Mode 3 on November 4, 2021. The OEP lecture series, a new sub-program of “OQEANOUS Plus” in CAMPUS Asia Mode 3, is organized twice a year to promote online exchanges of students from the seven universities, especially to expose first- through third-years to the Asian program and encourage them to study abroad.



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