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SJTU Holds the 24th CAMPUS Asia CSS-EEST

Time:2023-03-22    Click:     Source:

On December 1 and 2, 2022, the 24th CAMPUS Asia Cross Straits Symposium on Energy and Environmental Science and Technology (CSS-EEST) was held in Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU), China. The two-day event was sponsored by SJTU and organized by Kyushu University (KU), Japan, Pusan National University (PNU), the Republic of Korea (ROK), and Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), Malaysia. More than 100 experts and scholars from the four universities in the fields of energy, low-carbon emissions, and environmental science and technology, as well as graduate students of related majors attended the symposium in SJTU or via a video link.

The CAMPUS Asia (Collective Action for Mobility Program of University Students in Asia) Plus EEST program is jointly implemented by KU, PNU and UTM. Having been in planning since September 2010, the CAMPUS Asia Plus EEST was finally added into the list of pilot programs released by the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China in 2012. The program aims at cultivating talented individuals with global competence in EEST and establishing an advanced postgraduate education system to cultivate such individuals of the next generation in the field of environment and energy. After many rounds of discussion and negotiation, the four universities decided to launch a variety of high-level academic programs and activities with joint double degree programs for postgraduates at its core, covering student exchanges, international symposiums and international summer schools. The CAMPUS Asia CSS-EEST is hosted by SJTU, KU, PNU and UTM on a rotating basis and held twice every year in the Spring and Fall semesters. Scholars and experts in the fields of energy and environmental science and technology as well as graduate students and senior undergraduates of related majors are invited to the event. The symposium is mainly held in the form of an academic conference with activities such as presentations, poster exhibitions as well as academic visits and interviews. Scholars from the four universities are also invited to give keynote speeches. So far, the CSS-EEST has been held 24 times. This year, more than 1,000 graduate students from the four universities majoring in energy, environment and materials were attracted to take part in the 24th CSS-EEST.

In his welcome speech, Professor CHENG Jinhua, Vice Dean of SJTU Graduate School, extended his gratitude to KU, PNU and UTM for their long-term support and efforts for CAMPUS Asia. The CAMPUS Asia EEST program gives graduate students from SJTU and other universities in Asia an excellent platform to communicate with each other, which promotes cross-strait exchanges and communication of knowledge and experience. Professor NAKASHIMA Hideharu, Dean of the Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Engineering Sciences of KU, Professor LEE Donggeun, Director of the PNU CAMPUS Asia Program, and Professor Zaini AHMAD, Dean of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of UTM gave opening speeches respectively. WANG Qian, Director of the International Affairs Office of SJTU Graduate School, presided over the event.

For the keynote speech session, UTM Professor Henry Kang Hooi Siang reported “Recent Findings in the Experiment on Hydrodynamic Model of Ocean Technology and Engineering in Malaysia.” KU Professor Andrew Spring shared his studies on “Living Polymerization in Engineering Application.” PNU Professor HeeChang Lim gave a lecture on “Application of AI/DL in Fluid Dynamics.” Associate Professor ZHOU Baowen of the School of Mechanical Engineering of SJTU gave a presentation on “Carbon Neutrality Based on N-3 Compound/Si-based Artificial Photosynthesis Integrated Devices and Systems” to systematically introduce the latest research progress on nitrogen-3/Si-based compounds, which explored effective approaches to saving fossil fuels and reaching carbon neutrality.

The keynote speeches and oral presentations featuring three sub-forums on energy, environment and materials were held online and lasted for two days. There were a total of 18 sessions, with nearly 100 master and doctoral students taking part in the oral presentations. Experts, scholars and international students pursuing their master’s or doctoral degrees reported on the latest findings in multiple cutting-edge fields, including the development and utilization of new energy, special materials and engineering thermophysics, and shared their academic achievements. During the PDCA meeting, professors from the four universities and staff members of the CAMPUS Asia program discussed issues such as the status of exchange students and students of the double degree program, the 25th CAMPUS Asia CSS-EEST to be held in the next spring, the Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) program, and the agreements to be signed by the four universities. On the afternoon of December 2, Director WANG Xi from SJTU, Professor WONG King Jye from UTM, Professor LEE Donggeun from PNU, and Professor THU Kyaw from KU delivered closing speeches respectively.

The construction of an environmentally friendly human civilization and the sustainable development of the world would be impossible without the support of strategic disciplines such as energy, environment, materials and mechanical engineering. Against the backdrop of increasingly close global cooperation and constantly internationalized academic perspectives, the success of the 24th CAMPUS Asia Plus international academic symposium is of great significance. Experts from the four universities shared the experience to seek common development, which not only played an important part in discipline construction and talent exchanges, but also provided new inspiration for sustainable development.


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