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PKU-SNU Spring Webinar of Students Successfully Held

Time:2023-05-26    Click:     Source:

The spring webinar of students, co-organized by Yuanpei College of Peking University (PKU) and the College of General Education of Seoul National University (SNU), was held on May 21, 2021. Dr. Naejin Kwak from SNU moderated the webinar, and 9 PKU students and 8 SNU students to participate and give presentations. Sun Feiyu, Vice Dean and Associate Professor of Yuanpei College, Jun Hee Cho, Assistant Professor of SNU, and other professors attended the conference. The one-day webinar on cultural exchanges and international relations between China and the ROK invited students to discuss about TV drama, food, fashion, art, lifestyle, and other topics.

In the beginning, Dr. So-Rim Lee from the University of Pennsylvania delivered a one-hour keynote speech on the development of contemporary Korean pop, or “K-pop,” and the recent formation of a pop music group named “Z-pop.” Dr. Lee mentioned that the globalization and prevailing trend of K-pop worldwide attracted artists from other countries to join Korean music groups, thus making K-pop a form of multinational culture. Dr. Lee also pointed out the increasing opportunities for the Korean entertainment industry worldwide thanks to the fast development of science and technology. The speech gave students a deeper understanding of the latest development of Korean pop culture.

Screenshot of webinar opening ceremony

The webinar later came to group presentations and discussions. Each group took turns in giving a 20-minute presentation themed on Chinese and ROK culture, and they also had ten minutes for discussion and exchanges after the presentation.

The first group presented with the theme of “Manifestation of traditional Korean culture in contemporary Korean TV series,” in which four SNU students analyzed traditional music, food, and costumes of the ROK in contemporary TV series, while pointing out how new media is utilized in Korean traditional culture to draw public attention and recognition.

Screenshot of the first group’s presentation

The second group, with members from PKU, made a comparison of Chinese and Korean food cultures, pointing out the differences and similarities in food types, table manners, festivals, and customs between the two countries. They also mentioned the bilateral influence on their food cultures.

Screenshot of the second group’s presentation

The third group focused on discussing and comparing pop music, TV series, movies, and other sectors of the two countries, emphasizing the characteristics, differences, and similarities of TV series.

Screenshot of the third group’s presentation

The fourth group shared their analysis of the “Influence of Korean Movie and TV culture on Chinese youth,” discussing how Korean movies and TV shows influence the Chinese youth in such aspects as fashion, food culture, and the value of love.

Screenshot of the fourth group’s presentation

The webinar also drew experience from previous online conferences of students, providing abundant opportunities of discussions and researches for students. After the presentations, students of the two countries had ample time to share their interested topics during the discussion. Students said that they gained a lot from the discussion and had a much deeper understanding of the culture and ideas of each other’s country.

At the closing ceremony, Dr. Kwak wrapped up the webinar with the idea that “international friendship is the most powerful weapon to resist prejudice.” She considered the webinar a great opportunity for students in the two countries to build understanding and friendship. Assistant Professor Jun Hee Cho and Associate Professor Sun Feiyu also said that it was meaningful and necessary for international students to exchange ideas and discuss with each other. It is hoped that students can better understand each other’s culture through the event. In the end, the third group Team Pop-It from SNU won the best presentation award of this webinar, and the webinar was concluded successfully.


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