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The China-Japan-ROK Trilateral Joint Meeting of CAMPUS Asia

Time:2023-05-26    Click:     Source:

On January 14, linked through an online platform, the CAMPUS Asia Education Center at Guangdong University of Foreign Studies (GDUFS), Ritsumeikan University and Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University of Japan, and Dongseo University of the Republic of Korea (ROK) jointly held the China-Japan-ROK Trilateral Joint Meeting. At the meeting, the operation of the CAMPUS Asia Program was discussed in depth, and it was indicated that in the future, modern information technology will be used to strengthen cooperation, and that innovative teaching models will be explored to achieve more remarkable results in collaborative education and other aspects.

Meeting site

YANG Xiaohui, Dean of the Faculty of Japanese Language and Culture at GDUFS, Professor CHEN Duoyou, founder of CAMPUS Asia in China, and XIN Jimei, Director of GDUFS CAMPUS Asia Education Center, attended this meeting, along with full-time faculty, international faculty, and administrative staff at the Education Center. The leaders of the three parties spoke highly of the Program that was selected for the “CAMPUS Asia Mode 3” by the Ministry of Education and that received the highest evaluation by Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) this year. At the Joint Meeting, the universities from the three countries first reported on the curriculum at the mobile campus for the next semester, the study, internship, and life of international students, and the review of graduates’ theses. Such matters as alumni association operation, curriculum development cooperation, joint degree conferment, and joint training for bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degrees were also discussed.

YANG Xiaohui pointed out that the Program will adhere to the international talent cultivation system of linking domestic and foreign sites and strengthen the internal and external “dual synergy” through joint degree conferment, international faculty teams, and operation management mechanism sharing. CHEN Duoyou commented that this Program should build a comprehensive education model covering undergraduate, postgraduate, doctoral, and postdoctoral researchers apart from cultivating outstanding undergraduates, fulfilling the integration of undergraduate, postgraduate, and doctor training, and connect with regional studies in Northeast Asia. The participants reached a consensus that the CAMPUS Asia Program will continue to play a leading and exemplary role in reserving international talents, boosting the construction of universities, cultivating talent for international organizations, and improving disciplinary construction.


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