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Online Exchanges and Experience of Cultures: CAMPUS Asia Summer Program 2022 Concludes Successfully

Time:2023-03-22    Click:     Source:

The CAMPUS Asia Summer Program 2022, co-hosted by the School of Computer Science and Technology, School of Foreign Languages, and International Department of Hangzhou Dianzi University (HDU), was successfully held from August 17 to 30, 2022. Over 40 students from the University of Yamanashi, Pukyong National University, Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP), and HDU participated in the program.

As part of the CAMPUS Asia program, this summer program aims to enhance cultural communication among students from the four universities, strengthen their knowledge of the histories and cultures of other Asian countries, and improve mutual understanding, intercultural awareness, and communication skills. The two-week summer program was held online due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Each university was responsible for organizing two days of activities to introduce the culture of its country. Students were able to study and experience foreign cultures online.

A brief opening ceremony was held online on August 17, when students greeted and got to know each other, and later they were divided into hybrid groups. The next day, the journey of online exchanges and the experience of cultures officially set off.

In the program hosted by UniMAP, students learned about batik, an art of decorating traditional cloth with wax from Malaysia, and the making of traditional Malaysian crowns.

In the program hosted by HDU, students enjoyed online lectures, including “Hangzhou and Digital China,” “Chinese Food Culture,” “Chinese Costume and Adornment Culture,” etc. They experienced a virtual tour of the Chinese Hangzhou Cuisine Museum and China Silk Museum. Wu Yiqiao, Secretary of the Party Committee of the School of Foreign Languages, introduced and showed Chinese calligraphy to students, and guide them to practice with exercise materials delivered earlier. Hua Hongguang, teacher from the Department of Physical Education, showed Chinese Tai Chi, and taught students to practice online.

In the program hosted by Pukyong National University, students learned about the history and culture of the ROK and learned K-POP dancing.

In the program hosted by the University of Yamanashi, the teacher in Kimono presented the art of Furoshiki Cloth, or “wrapping cloth.” Students also learned about Ikebana, Wagashi culture, and Kumiko Zaiku.

The success of this summer program built a platform for exchanges among students from different countries. Students got to experience different cultures and the styles of other universities. This program planted the seed of friendship, improved students’ oral English, and provided valuable experiences for future academic cooperation and exchanges among the four universities during the COVID-19 pandemic.



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