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GDPU and Osaka University Hold a Virtual Meeting

Time:2023-03-22    Click:     Source:

Recently, Guangdong Pharmaceutical University (GDPU) held talks with Osaka University, Japan, on medical and pharmaceutical education partnerships via a video link. Professor Iso Hiroyasu and Professor Kanai Yoshikatsu, in charge of the CAMPUS Asia program at Osaka University, Shirai Kokoro and LIU Keyang, directors of the program on both sides, Professor ZHANG Luyong, Vice President of GDPU, and heads of the Office of International Exchange and Cooperation, School of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Academic Programmes Division, School of Graduate Studies, School of Public Health and School of Clinical Medicine attended the meeting hosted by Professor Iso Hiroyasu of Osaka University.

At the meeting, Professor ZHANG Luyong introduced GDPU along with its scientific research and innovation and expressed the hope that GDPU could deepen academic exchanges with partner institutions, including Osaka University, in traditional Chinese medicine, public health, integrative Chinese and Western medicine, and other disciplines through student exchanges, faculty exchanges, and joint scientific research, etc. This is expected to create favorable conditions for students to study abroad in Japan or China. He also proposed concerted efforts to share high-quality educational resources with Osaka University to promote exchanges and cooperation between China and Japan in education, culture, science, and technology, thus achieving collaborative development of medical education in Asia. Professor Iso Hiroyasu introduced the CAMPUS Asia program in detail, including its members, structure, and development, in the hope that the two sides could engage in faculty and student exchanges and joint research in the medical and health fields in the future.                      

GDPU also shared with the attendees the development scale of the School of Traditional Chinese Medicine, School of Public Health, and School of Clinical Medicine, the programs they offered, and others. The two sides agreed on strengthening exchanges and communication to promote project implementation vigorously after an in-depth discussion of the cooperation.

CAMPUS Asia, fully known as the Collective Action for Mobility Program of University Students in Asia, is an international cooperation program among universities. It was initiated based on the agreement of Chinese Premier Li Keqiang and the premiers of Japan and the Republic of Korea (ROK), jointly developed by the Ministry of Education of China, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan, and the Ministry of Education of ROK, and guided by the three national governments for its implementation, aiming to promote exchanges and cooperation among universities, especially students, of the three countries. The CAMPUS Asia program has cooperated with numerous renowned universities of partner countries. Its winter vacation program, for example, mainly involves Peking University, Tsinghua University, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Osaka University, and Yonsei University.



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