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“CAMPUS Asia Plus”: Multimodal Global Leaders Development through Asian-Model Dentistry Consortium Program

Time:2023-03-22    Click:     Source:

“CAMPUS Asia”, fully known as “Collective Action of Mobility Program of University Students”, is a program led by the governments of China, Japan, and the Republic of Korea (ROK) to promote exchanges and cooperation among universities of the three countries, especially through student mobility projects.

Led by Tohoku University of Japan, along with Peking University and Sichuan University of China, Seoul National University and Yonsei University of ROK, Chulalongkorn University of Thailand, and the University of Indonesia as partners, the Multimodal Global Leaders Development through Asian-Model Dentistry Consortium program was selected into CAMPUS Asia Mode 3 (universities of the three countries and ASEAN countries) that launched in 2021.



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