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    Israeli ambassador to China visits PKU

    Time:2021-11-29    Click:     Source:

    Peking University, November 29, 2021:On the afternoon of 18 November 2021, Israeli ambassador to China Irit Ben-Abba, Israel Embassy in Beijing’s Head of Culture, Science & Academy Department Bosmat Baruch and Head of Internal Affairs and Innovation Cooperation Mor Riklin Thein visited Peking University. They were welcomed by PKU President Hao Ping and other PKU leaders.

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    Hao Ping warmly welcomed Irit Ben-Abba and her team to PKU. He shared that PKU is honoured to receive the ambassador, especially after Chinese President Xi Jinping spoke with Israeli President Isaac Herzog on the phone on 17 November 2021. PKU and Israeli Universities such as the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Tel Aviv University and Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, have worked on several cooperative projects in the fields of life sciences, environmental sciences, mathematics, chemistry and agronomy, as well as signed relevant agreements. This has helped to develop good working relationships between both parties.

    Hao Ping noted that 2022 marks the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Israel. PKU hopes that this will provide an opportunity to expedite cooperation between PKU and Israel's top universities and scientific research institutions, boosting areas such as joint student training, teacher-student exchanges and short-term exchanges.

    Irit Ben-Abba thanked PKU for the warm welcome. She reflected on the history of friendly relations between the two countries, expressing great admiration and commending the developments of China thus far. She added that as a university with a profound historical background, PKU has established great cooperative relations with Israeli universities and research institutions. This has helped to strengthen exchanges between Israel and China on a national level.

    She pointed out that Israeli universities hope to attract more students from PKU to further their studies in Israel. In addition, they look forward to deepening cooperation with PKU in areas like law, mathematics and business administration. This will further increase the flow of personnel between both parties, fostering exchanges amongst teachers and students. Irit Ben-Abba hopes that PKU can continue to support the work of the Israeli embassy in China and actively participate in works relevant to the 30th anniversary of the establishment of China-Israel diplomatic relations next year.

    Written by:Lee Xin Ying Rachel

    Edited by:Li Wanqi

    Source:PKU News (Chinese)


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