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“CAMPUS Asia+” Signing and Confirmation Ceremony and Launch Meeting Held Online

Time:2022-11-04    Click:     Source:

“CAMPUS Asia+” Signing and Confirmation Ceremony and Launch Meeting Held Online

In the afternoon of July 29, 2022, the Signing and Confirmation Ceremony and Launch Meeting of “CAMPUS Asia+,” a student exchange program for cooperation among universities in China, Japan, the Republic of Korea (ROK), and four ASEAN universities, was convened online. Representatives from Shanghai Ocean University (SHOU) and overseas universities, including Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology, National Korea Maritime and Ocean University (KMOU), Chulalongkorn University (Thailand), Kasetsart University (Thailand), University of Malaya (Malaysia), and Bogor Agricultural University (Indonesia), were in attendance. The meeting was moderated by representative from KMOU. Professor Wang Xichang, Executive Dean of SHOU Graduate School, attended the signing ceremony on behalf of Professor LI Jiale, Vice President of SHOU and Dean of SHOU Graduate School.

“CAMPUS Asia” is known as the “Collective Action of Mobility Program of University Students.” Led by the governments of China, Japan, and the ROK, it aims to promote cooperation in scientific research and mutual understanding among students in the three countries through various forms of exchange programs, enhance their competitiveness, and contribute to the cultivation of the next generation of outstanding talents in Asia. After a rigorous selection process and joint review by the educational authorities of the three countries, the “Training Program for International Professional Talents in Applying Technological Innovation in Marine Sustainable Development Strategy,” jointly submitted by seven universities, was successfully selected for CAMPUS Asia Mode 3, also known as “CAMPUS Asia+.”

At the meeting, KMOU announced the cooperation terms and showed the participants the Memorandum of Understanding jointly signed by the seven universities. During the collaboration, the seven universities demonstrated their respective educational philosophies, cultural characteristics, and dominant disciplines. A consensus was reached on the concept, organization method, and ensuing development direction of CAMPUS Asia by the seven universities, striving to deepen international cooperation in future talent cultivation, improve postgraduate education, and set the tone for promoting future-oriented cross-border educational cooperation in Asia. At the signing ceremony, on behalf of SHOU, Professor WANG Xichang, Executive Dean of SHOU Graduate School, highly commended CAMPUS Asia and expressed the hope that with the joint efforts of seven universities, “CAMPUS Asia+” program would bring better and more international educational resources to Asian students, thus achieving excellence in both academic pursue and talent cultivation.


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