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    Conclusion of the Briefing Session for the 2022 Spring Semester CAMPUS Asia

    Time:2023-05-26    Click:     Source:

    The online briefing session for the 2022 Spring Semester CAMPUS Asia was successfully held on July 8, 2022.

    Professor LIU Yang gave a detailed introduction to the CAMPUS Asia program and helped our students gain a more in-depth and comprehensive understanding of it. Let’s go through it once more.

    01 — Major Content —

    CAMPUS Asia, fully known as the Collective Action of Mobility Program of University Students in Asia, is a program led by the governments of China, Japan and the Republic of Korea (ROK) to promote exchanges and cooperation among university students of the three countries.



    From 2022 to 2026, the Ocean University of China (OUC) will join hands with Pukyong National University of the ROK, Nagasaki University of Japan, and Universiti Malaysia Terengganu to implement short-term programs, master’s double degree programs, and other programs. More than 380 students are planned to participate in the exchange programs over these five years, among which 148 will take part in international joint programs over three months and 28 in master’s double degree programs.

    02 — Qualifications —

    The candidates for the 2022 CAMPUS Asia program will be chosen from full-time undergraduates enrolled in 2021, 2020 and 2019 and full-time postgraduates (including second-year postgraduates) enrolled in 2021. A total of 6 to 10 candidates (including 2 from Japan) will be chosen and sent abroad from September to December 2022.

    Requirements: Candidates should have excellent ideological and political quality with no record of prohibited behaviors; have sound moral grounding, intellectual ability, physical vigor, aesthetic sensibility and work skills, and be able to adapt to the life and study in a new environment; have good performance in exams and comprehensive quality assessments with no record of failing in any course (GPA 3.0+); be able to speak fluent Japanese/Korean/English (report of IELTS/TOEFL/TOEIC/GRE/CET6/JLPT N1 or N2/TOPIK Level 5 or 6 is required); and be able to afford living costs while abroad.

    03 — Other Details —

    In terms of expenses, candidates will be provided with airfare for an international round trip and accommodation subsidy (living allowance) based on relevant standards set by the China Scholarship Council. Candidates should bear the visa application fees, living costs while abroad, insurance expenses, etc. Living costs in Japan and the ROK are moderate, roughly equivalent to those in Qingdao.

    Students intending to apply for the program should submit the required materials (including the materials required by both OUC and the partner university) online before July 20.

    After being selected, students should apply for a passport and visa by themselves and get approval for going abroad via the online service site before leaving the country. During their stay abroad, students’ status at OUC will not be affected and tuition should be paid as usual. OUC will recognize the grades and credits earned by students at the partner university. Upon returning to OUC, students can apply to the Academic Affairs Office or the Graduate School for transferring the grades and credits earned in the partner university to those of corresponding courses in OUC according to relevant regulations. Students enjoy the same rights as their counterparts in the partner university and should abide by the rules and regulations of both OUC and the partner university.

    04 — Q&As —

    Q: Does it matter if I cannot speak Japanese or Korean?

    Since all courses will be taught in simple English, you are only required to speak basic English. Daily communication can be done in English as well, so there is no strict requirements for Japanese or Korean proficiency.

    Most Chinese students can speak fluent English. You should have confidence in your English proficiency.

    Q: What if there is a time conflict between the national postgraduate entrance exam or the postgraduate recommendation and the exchange program?

    You can make a choice based on your future planning or apply for the program when you have enough time.

    Q: What if I have not received my CET6 report as an undergraduate enrolled in 2020?

    You can submit your application first and send your CET6 report when you receive it.

    Q: Can I apply for another university if I fail in my initial application?

    Since you may not have enough time to apply for another visa due to the tight schedule this year, you can only choose one country. It is suggested that you make the choice after serious consideration and apply for your passport in advance if you intend to study abroad.


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