On March 2, the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) under the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) of Japan announced the evaluation results of 25 Inter-University Exchange Projects with Asian countries carried out by Japan from 2016 to 2021. The team formed by Guangdong University of Foreign Studies (GDUFS), Ritsumeikan University, and Dongseo University (abbreviated GRD) under the CAMPUS Asia program received the highest rating of Grade S.
Screenshotofevaluation results
Focusing on the goal of cultivating talents and fully leveraging the advantages of GDUFS in China, Ritsumeikan University in Japan, and Dongseo University in the Republic of Korea(ROK), theGRD teamunder the CAMPUS Asia program has developed a science-based, reasonable curriculum system and talent training scheme, continuously optimized the operation system, and thus effectively improved the quality of talent cultivation. Particularly, against the backdrop of COVID-19, the GDUFS has strengthened cooperation with partner universities in Japan and the ROK by means of modern information technology, continuously explored the new modes of online teaching, and jointly promoted the development of curriculum and online platforms, which yielded remarkable achievements in cooperative education.
The JSPSis an independent administrative institution under the MEXT. It conducts educational and academic evaluation based on fair and equitable review and evaluation systems. The JSPS is dedicated to advancing academic research on a global basis, supporting and fostering researchers and their work, facilitating international academic exchanges, and launching other activities related to the promotion of science.